Ricky Grierson

Ricky Grierson

108 posts
The Acupuncture Vet

The Acupuncture Vet

We are honoured to highlight Dr Alison Shen of Acupuncture Vet, a steadfast supporter of Devoted to Dachshunds Rescue (D2DR) for many years. Dr Alison, who graduated as a veterinarian in 2005 from the University of Sydney, has since honed her expertise in complementary therapies, acupuncture, and Traditional Chinese Medicine....

May Newsletter - Short Stories

Well - here we are again🐾. Another week and another IVDD surrender requiring surgery - just 6 days after Tilly. This is what happens when you operate a genuine rescue Charity operating on an open-door basis to all dachshunds requiring veterinary attention. Our latest IVDD surrender Penny is the 11th...

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