
D2DR Newsletter

6 posts

August Newsletter 🐾

A big hello to all our supporters 🐾, I don’t think it's much of a secret that over the last 3 months or so, D2DR has been through one of its toughest periods from a financial viewpoint in its 9.5 years of existence. Since early May, D2DR...

July Newsletter 🐾

A big hello to all our supporters 🐾, We’ve had a huge influx of rehomes; to be exact, 22 dachshunds have come into re-homing in under 2 weeks, and we are welcoming them all into our hearts here at D2DR with new and old foster carers stepping up to receive...

June Newsletter 🐾

Hi Everyone 🐾, This month I thought I would dedicate to our Foster Carers both Temporary and Permanent, some of our foster carers have been with us for many many years, always chipping in when needed if possible, sometimes doubling up when we are hammered to the limit, we still find...

May Newsletter - Short Stories

Well - here we are again🐾. Another week and another IVDD surrender requiring surgery - just 6 days after Tilly. This is what happens when you operate a genuine rescue Charity operating on an open-door basis to all dachshunds requiring veterinary attention. Our latest IVDD surrender Penny is the 11th...

April Newsletter - Short Stories

Greetings from the Team at Devoted 2 Dachshunds Rescue 🐾 As another month soon comes to a close, we have been once again inundated with dogs being surrendered for rehoming. It’s very tough times for so many people and families it’s truly heartbreaking. This month we saw Chico through...

March Newsletter - Short Stories

Greetings from the Team at Devoted 2 Dachshunds Rescue 🐾 We have certainly had another very busy month since we last updated you in February, just in the last 9 days we have had around 13 dogs surrendered to us for re homing, all dogs are being fostered and having all...

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