Just about any veterinarian you meet will recommend glucosamine to support your dog’s joints … especially if they are getting a little stiff or achy with arthritis. But have you thought about some preventative measures you can take before you see these signs? These same preventative measures can also decrease your dog's chances of getting IVDD, & if they do, help to speed up recovery. The best news? It's all-natural & easy to do!

Most vets have a product to sell you … a supplement. If your dog is starting to lose mobility, your vet may even suggest an injectable source of glucosamine. A simple Google search will serve you up hundreds of supplements or ‘treats’ that are formulated to ease pain & increase mobility. But there is a catch with all of them. They are super expensive & a lot of the time contain very little of the good stuff! There are better ways to give your dog glucosamine & fortify their joints & connective tissues like ligaments & tendons.  But before we go any further, what Is Glucosamine?

What is Glucosamine for Dogs?

Glucosamine is actually a combination name made up of glutamine (an amino acid) and glucose (a sugar).Your dog’s body naturally produces its own glucosamine. It’s a substance that helps create molecules that form the cartilage of your dog’s joints. As your dog ages, their body produces less glucosamine. So their joints can stiffen up and lose their shock-absorbing cartilage. There are three common forms of glucosamine:

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