A big welcome to everyone reading this newsletter, I would just like to say a few words about how we are going as a Rescue Charity.
It is quite evident by the figures from this year and last year that we are not over the huge intake of dachshunds.
Currently we are holding 107 Dachshunds in our care, of those 35 are Permanent Foster Dogs with a variety of medical conditions such as IVDD Surgery, Heart worm treatment, and other ongoing conditions which require constant medical treatments which D2DR currently covers the cost of.
The other 65 dachshunds are either on the Website or awaiting desexing and vaccinations.
This is putting a huge load on our foster carers and huge pressure on the Charity in regards to medical bills; we desperately need more financial assistance and foster carers to help with the amount in care.
D2DR has a policy of “NO DACHSHUND IS LEFT BEHIND” however this is becoming increasingly difficult without your continued and ongoing support.
In the last month we have operated on 3 IVDD surgeries and 1 x Double Pes Varis and several other conditions requiring out of the norm vet bills.
Its ongoing and stressful to manage, but we thank you sincerely for any donation (remembering that any donation is tax deductable) and any support you can give by becoming a D2DR Foster Carer or volunteer.
Warm Regards
Ricky Grierson
Toad Awareness
All this rain is certainly bringing out the toads! If you suspect your pet has come in contact with a toad we recommend immediate first aid at home. This should be quickly followed by a trip to your local vet or emergency department if they show any symptoms, such as bright red gums, drooling, retching and vomiting. In severe cases, dogs can experience blindness, collapse, seizures, heart rhythm abnormalities and even death.To apply first aid at home you:
Use a damp cloth to wipe the tongue and gums thoroughly and remove any residual venom - Don’t hose inside a pet’s mouth as it may cause accidental inhalation of water and signs of pneumonia or even water toxicity
Rinse the cloth in-between wipes
Gain emergency veterinary attention for an animal showing symptoms, as problems with the heart and neurological symptoms can progress rapidly.

Safely Rehomed Dogs
Recently we have seen the following bonded sets of dogs find their new family: -
And our solo dogs: -

Angel Membership
You all know the cost involved with having a pet, and that cost is transferred to D2DR when an owner for any one of the varied reasons has to surrender their dog.
D2DR have a strong ethical and moral code and hence we will do what-ever to help the animal get better and live its best life - but that has a cost and we all know that Vet Care is expensive.
I would like to talk about an easy way for our supporters to help D2DR do what it does best.
Presently we have 688 members and of that 688 only 59 subscribe to our Angel Care Program - at present these subscribers using various monthly amounts bring in just over $1,200 a month. If you do the math, and only 50% of the 688 members signed up for the basic amount of $10 a month that would bring in over $42K a year, that is a huge amount of money which could make a significant difference in paying out vet bills and reduce the stress for all involved.
Over the last 5 years, D2DR has accepted the surrender of nearly 70 dachshunds requiring major surgery. Most of these (56) have been for IVDD, but also included in that total are those dachshunds with pes varus (and other deformities), internal obstruction, etc. Not in every case, but certainly the majority of these 70 cases, the alternative being considered by the surrendering owner was to have the dachshund euthanised. That by any measure is a true and genuine rescue.
Over the last 5 years, around 75% of our $800,000 in total vet costs has been for our rescue dogs (~60% or $480,000) and permanent foster dogs (~15% or $120,000). The other 25% (or $200,000) covers the vet costs associated with the nearly 500 dachshunds we’ve rehomed (vet checks, vaccinations, desexing, dental work etc).
In 2024, this had grown to the point where donations now account for nearly 40% of our income. Simply put, D2DR would not financially exist and would not be able to do the rescue work we do, was it not for these donations. Thank you.
If you think you would like to subscribe and help click here.
Or even a one off donation can be made here
Bank account details for direct deposit are:
Bank of Queensland
BSB 124-079
Account number 2228 2277 or;-

D2DR Angel Member
With a D2DR Angel membership the tax-deductible amount of your choice is donated automatically every month. By becoming an Angel Member you also qualify for special prices and sponsor discounts.

Play for Purpose Raffle # 17 is now open and selling tickets If you would like to support D2DR through Play 4 Purpose AND potentially win this $250K Prize Pack then click on this link to buy tickets and Good Luck! https://www.playforpurpose.com.au/d2dr

A small crack in the foundation, left unchecked may not seem like an immediate cause for concern; but we've all seen a wall or dam erode over time from ignorance or will full denial. Before your walls come crashing down, start looking at the chips and cracks that we're allowing.
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Devoted 2 Dachshunds Rescue
Supporter Highlight

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