Well - here we are again🐾. Another week and another IVDD surrender requiring surgery - just 6 days after Tilly. This is what happens when you operate a genuine rescue Charity operating on an open-door basis to all dachshunds requiring veterinary attention. Our latest IVDD surrender Penny is the 11th IVDD surrender this financial year (so far) and No 45 since this current Committee that runs D2DR took over 4.5 years ago in late November 2019.
And when you consider that even with the fundraising for each of these dogs, D2DR typically loses between $2,000 and $6,000 for each dog. D2DR has never made a profit on any dog-specific fundraiser (on two occasions we’ve actually stopped fundraising where we looked like exceeding our expected costs for that particular dog). And when you consider we’ve had 45 IVDD surrenders requiring surgery under this current Committee, you can understand why our adoption fees are so high relative to the other dachshund “rescue” groups, and why we seem to be (and in fact are) continuously fundraising.
End of financial year donations

IVDD Fundraiser - Penny

Penny is a 5 yo mini-dachshund that belongs to one of our foster carers (who collectively are currently looking after a total of around 65 dachshunds in our care). Penny started to show signs of possible IVDD late last week and was originally advised by her local vet for strict crate rest. By Sunday/Monday, Penny’s condition had worsened, and AWL Vets Daisy Hill advised Penny’s owner that surgery was recommended. The distraught owner was not in a position to pay for the surgery herself and so turned to D2DR for help. D2DR of course accepted Penny’s surrender and Penny was immediately taken by her owner to ARH on Monday afternoon. Dr Lance from ARH examined Penny and confirmed the diagnosis – probably around a Grade 4/5 IVDD with surgery recommended.
The CT scan confirmed a major disc rupture at L1-2 about 40-50% herniation. Penny was operated on last night and the surgery went well, and she was resting. And so please, once again D2DR is in the position to be asking for donations towards Penny’s surgery. As with Tilly’s surrender last week, this has not come at a good time for D2DR. Once again, our 5 pes varus dogs find themselves being pushed to the back of the queue for our funds. In this particular case with Penny, we know from the beginning that she will be returned to her owner. And under D2DR’s policy, as agreed with ARH, this means ARH will be charging D2DR the full non-discounted cost of the surgery. This means we have that bit extra of funds to raise. We know and appreciate that times are tough at present for so many people, but anything you can spare would be appreciated. Please help us continue with our policy that NO DACHSHUND IS LEFT BEHIND.

Dachshund Health & Wellbeing with Audra

Members only article: Six Itchy Dog Owner's Life Hacks to STOP THAT ITCH.
One of the most common problems dog owners come to me about is their dog is crazy itchy, constantly scratching themselves, or chewing their paws until they are red raw. Often their dogs wake them up in the middle of the night with constant scratching that can go on and on for hours. The sound of your dog scratching during the night is secondary only to the sound of them throwing up in the middle of the night. A surefire way that no one will be getting much sleep! Read the full article.
Featured Adoption

Available for meet and greet by appointment.
Scout is a beautiful dog who loves to roll around in the grass and lay in the sun, he also enjoys getting cozy next to his humans, he sometimes likes his own space especially if there is other dogs in the house.
He looks forward to walks, car rides and the beach.
He is an extreme food enthusiast and will do anything for a treat.
He loves adults and children and sitting on the couch with you or lying in bed tucked under the blanket
He is great to walk but sometimes gets frightened by other loud dogs on his walk
Scout is always happy to see you, toilet trained and a good listener he is always up for an adventure or a lazy day.
Read more our website or apply.
Dogs Available

Rehomed Dogs

Member Perks and Discounts
We have added a number of discount codes to our Members Perks Page. There are discounts for Harvey's Paws, Kishncodesigns, 3 Hound Sausages and Dashie Dog Ramps.
Thank you for being a D2DR member!, there is now over 300 of you 🤗. We love staying in touch and sharing our world with you. If you are ready to take the next step in supporting us, please consider upgrading your membership to an Angel Membership. There are many extra benefits, read all about it on our Membership Options page.

D2DR Angel Member
With a D2DR Angel membership the tax-deductible amount of your choice is donated automatically every month. By becoming an Angel Member you also qualify for special prices and sponsor discounts.
Member discussion