If you’re feeding your dog dry food, you’ve probably noticed the bag proudly proclaiming it as “Complete & Balanced.” While that’s reassuring, it doesn’t mean you can’t boost the nutritional value even further. Dry kibble is convenient, but there are simple & cost-effective ways to elevate each meal, & you likely have these items in your fridge or pantry.

Complete & Balanced Dog Food

So, a ‘complete and balanced’ bowl of dry food, or bowl of any food for your dog is an interesting claim. What does a complete & balanced DIET look like versus a complete and balanced MEAL?

Before I go into the Top 5 Foods you can feed your dog to boost the nutritional content of that complete & balanced meal, I’d like to just give you some ‘food for thought’ (bad joke I know!). Pick up a bag or can of dog food & pretty much the first thing you will see is the term ‘complete & balanced’ plastered all over the packaging. But what does this even mean? Is there any such thing? 

Next time you’re out shopping check out the pre-made range of frozen meal options for humans. Do you see the promise printed on the box that it’s a complete & balanced meal? Nope! You’ll never see it because it simply is not possible to make a meal that will supply us with everything we need to be healthy! The term “complete and balanced” didn’t emerge from a scientific breakthrough in pet nutrition. Instead, it was crafted by savvy marketing teams with one goal in mind: to sell more dry dog food. And boy, did they succeed! Walk down any pet food aisle, & you’ll be bombarded with brightly coloured bags an&d cans boasting this enticing promise.

But the term “complete” can indeed be incredibly misleading when it comes to pet nutrition. Imagine feeding your dog the same meal day in and day out, believing it’s providing everything they need for optimal health. The truth is, just like us, dogs thrive on variety & a diverse array of nutrients. Imagine sitting down to the same meal every day—monotonous, lacking essential nutrients, & downright boring. You’d be deprived of key vitamins, minerals, & fibre. So why don’t we apply this logic to our dogs’ diets? Dogs, like us, thrive on variety & a diverse range of foods. 

Okay, so what can you add to their dinner tonight to make it so much better? And as a bonus, there are two simple fuss-free recipes for a crunchy omelette and meatballs at the end!

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