One of the most common problems dog owners come to me about is their dog is crazy itchy, constantly scratching themselves, or chewing their paws until they are red raw. Often their dogs wake them up in the middle of the night with constant scratching that can go on and on for hours. The sound of your dog scratching during the night is secondary only to the sound of them throwing up in the middle of the night. A surefire way that no one will be getting much sleep!

You may have tried everything from expensive ‘Prescription Diets’ to monthly Apoquel injections or Cytopoint Tablets that work for a few weeks then wear off, requiring another costly trip to your vet.

As usual, most of the common causes of these behaviours come from dietary-related issues. It amazes and saddens me the amount of time, effort and money they have wasted on buying a miracle cure - only to end up with a cupboard overflowing with these expensive creams, ointments, washes and medications that do not work, or work for a short period of time, then their dogs' symptoms seem to become worse!

Well, the one thing every single owner (and their Dashie!) wants to do is alleviate the obvious discomfort, break the cycle of chew, scratch, chew, scratch thump thump thump - and allow everyone to get a good nights sleep!

This Blog is not going to go into the WHY it’s happening, that’s a much larger topic that will require 5 different Blogs to even scratch the surface (Dad joke intended!) This Blog is going to give you some time-proven, cheap and simple life hacks to help calm the symptoms and allow peace to return to all. The following life hacks WILL NOT CURE THE CAUSE, BUT IT WILL HELP TEMPORARILY STOP OR CALM THE INTENSITY OF THE SYMPTOMS. And, if your Dachshund is on any vet-prescribed drugs, the good news is none of these Pantry Staples will interfere or cause adverse reactions with the drugs.

Itchy Life Hack Number One

Coconut Oil

The simple and unassuming Extra Virgin Coconut Oil you can purchase for $5 a jar will be your go-to. Trust me it works! I have discovered it’s pretty much the only thing that stops the chronic itchiness I suffer from associated with the reoccurring heat rash I get on my back during the humid summer months. Again, trust me I speak from experience. Itch be gone - and it is within minutes!

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